• Averting a Train Wreck
When asked to describe our mentoring experience with a Metaphor, my student offered—“it was like preventing a train wreck!” The diesel engine was going downhill fast, too fast, and getting faster. Things were getting out of control. The full-weight of the train cars were pushing from behind—creating a potential collision course. All attempts to slow things down seemed hopeless. The program was growing. She was getting more afraid with every mile downhill. A dangerous derailment seemed certain. She was in a panic.
She signed up for the Kidology Coaching Program. “Right away, my coach helped me to bring some pace and order to my chaotic ministry ride. We methodically managed to slow the runaway train down. My frantic pace was becoming manageable and the feared train wreck was averted.” Ahhh, some relief!
Once the train wreck was averted, we settled into working together on her whole program. “I am now beginning to understand how momentum works. I am planning farther ahead and planning better with my calendar. I have been learning how to pace the ride in the down times for the sudden rush of energy needed to get things done. My ministry train is on schedule again. I was taught some management skills for handling the danger zones by delegating.
A few months later, I asked how she would add to this Averting the Train Wreck Metaphor. She offered, “All the cars coming on line are being added to my engine. We are going in the same direction now, with purpose and vision. The crew is being trained and we are moving ahead together—all the cars are on the track.” There is a new sense of unity. All the ministry is in the “same basket,” instead of every program being separate and independent.” As we restructured her job description more programs were being added to her supervision.
Her ministry has had some adversity too.
During our Kidology Program she worked through a divorce, dealt with some “old hats” in the nursery program resistant to change. Her doctor discovered colon cancer. She has been recovering from this surgery and dealing with radiation and chemo, all this while the work continues. All this tested what she was learning.
However, she planned and organized two of the biggest program events that their church has ever hosted. One event was Watoto African Children’s Choir, which filled the town’s civic auditorium. The other event was the biggest Fall Festival they’d ever had, held last year. Both these events caught the attention of her church staff and the whole congregation. All of her programs now are growing and the church is adjusting to the growth implications.
She began her position as a half time “shared” Children’s Director. When the other part-time person left, she moved up to half time “alone.” Then she was promoted to three-quarter time. The Pastor wanted her full time, but she negotiated for a part-time Assistant. She was licensed this year. Next, she will be moving up to Ordained Children’s Pastor full time by 2014 with an Assistant Director (paid half time).
Kidology Coaching Works
Imagine how working with a Coach on new management skills, with proven strategies, could help a kidmin avert a train wreck.
B. Kinard, ©2013, rights reserved, www.Kidhelper.com
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