• Children’s Ministry Makeover?
Is there such a thing as a Ministry Makeover? Well, I have been working on a new look and doing some new things with our Evangelistic Ministry. Our vision is to creatively evangelize children and help others to do the same. I am hearing you say, just how do you do that?
Well, first, I have been about creative evangelism of children from the beginning. I do custom children’s programs in partnership with churches and camps. I look for opportunities to work along side of existing ministries to help them attract, win and retain new children and families for their ministries. In more recent years I partner with works overseas to help them with their children’s programs. I do this with creative performing arts programs that feature such fun-filled creative methods as puppetry, gospel illusion, ventriloquism, object lessons, and theme programs.
Helping others to do this kind of ministry with children is my secondary vision. This is why I am called the Kidhelper. Consulting for children’s ministries, conducting specialized workshops and seminars, personalized coaching or mentoring those in children’s ministry leadership, writing training materials for leaders and designing creative methods for reaching and teaching children. I designed both the Kidology-Coaching Program and the Kid-Helper Resource Centers, which enable me to help others to reach and teach more children.
Now, I have this new blog site, it feels like we are in a new day of children’s ministry, at least, I can talk about it better. I feel children are too important to be ignored. I have spent over 45 years in children’s ministry (ten in churches). Today, I am more passionate about children, than ever before. I have more expertise and depth to offer now. All this feels like a “Ministry Makeover.” It sure is exciting! I got the brush, pass the paint!

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