• Cut for Production
Cut for Production
I have often questioned what good could come from some great disappointment in my life and/or ministry. I have known fruitful times of ministry to followed by some calamity that just seemed to bring it all to an abrupt halt, followed be another season of productive work. These apparent surges and setbacks feel like the changing tides on cyclical ministry. Having abundance following by a period of great need. Or having things come together with such detail only to be followed by nothing going on or coming together.
Only by knowing the bigger picture of how pruning works can we have the insight to know just how the cycle of flower, fruit, cutting back, produces another yield of repeated growth. Jesus said, “Every branch that produces fruit, will be pruned, so that we can produce even more fruit.” (John 15:1-8) So here is the question: how willing are you to continue to come under the cutting of the pruning shears, just so you can produce even MORE fruit?
Frankly, this pruning process and recovery can be devastatingly painful. Every cut limb dies a sudden death, but the remaining stock might be in shock. And, I am convinced that the recovery process might feel something like a waste of time. Here we learn to WAIT upon the Lord for another season of fruitfulness. When another season of fruit bearing comes our way, it is glorious! We praise the Lord! We are happy! And it could happen all over again, cut-cut, chop-chop!
So welcome the “cut.” Fruit comes next! And others enjoy the “fruit” of our exposure to life in Christ.
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