• Faith & Tension
This picture captures the essence of Faith and Tension. This was the cover on our Sunday Church Bulletin. I just liked the image with the caption “Faith and Tension.” One can easily imagine a boat that is anchored with strong rope to the edge of the dock by a dock cleat, but the water maintains the tension on the rope. The twists and turns of the water’s movement creates the constant “tug” on the secure “post-like” cleat. As long as the rope is fastened around this linchpin, it can withstand the constant activity of the waves, thus the boat is “tethered” within reasonable limits to move, but not too far.
In reflecting more upon this image, I began contemplating just how my “life of faith” is illustrated by this graphic….
There have been countless times that I have placed my faith in the Lord, my solid anchor, only to find that the activity of life has pulled and tugged on my security. It is too easy to be in the boat and feel all the motion and movement, rocking and rolling and loose sight of the mooring at the “end of the rope.” If I get caught up in what I see, I loose sight of what I cannot see…my faith. The Scriptures tell me in Heb 11:1 that “faith is the substance of things hoped for and the ‘evidence’ of things not seen.”
I began this Faith Journey by putting all my trust and faith in the finished work of Jesus dying on the cross for my sin. I received His mercy in the forgiveness for my sin. Nothing in me was worthy of such love. Thus, I have chosen to love and follow Him as my Living Savior and Lord. This salvation decision has been a “sure” foundation, no tension on this decision.
However, I can recount numerous times that my daily faith in Him has been tested, like the “ebb and flow” of the waters effecting the rope. My faith has grown and I asked Him many times to help my “unbelief.” Now, I have been living this Life of Faith for over fifty years. I have become more and more dependent upon Him. Not only has He provided for me, but He has answered my prayers, so many times, that I dare not “insult” Him to doubt His interest and/or His commitment to me. My life in Christ started by faith and will continue by faith, until my faith takes me home.
I am still learning lessons about my faith relationship with Him, more lessons than I can relate here. But a couple lessons, I can tell you. The Lord reserves the right to accomplish what you trust for in His own way and in His own time. Just about the time you think you have figured out a “faith formula,” He provides in a different way from the last time, but He is never late, even when I think so. Another lesson I am learning is to “visualize” my requests, as though they are “already done.” I can shut my eyes and I can see “what is not” as though it “really will be.” I believe Him for that. I thank Him that it is done, in advance. Then, as I experience my daily life I see Him moving and working out the plans He has for me, a little here and a little there, until the completion of the “thing visualized” has been revealed. I have trusted Him for cars, school tuition, the hospital bills for my four children, my ministry travels, etc. Many times He provides when I started out with nothing. My focus has changed, not the circumstances around me, but the “other end of the rope.”
I have determined to trust God for “bigger things,” things thought “impossible” by me, but not for Him. I want Him to receive glory, honor and thanksgiving for what He does through me. It is with the “eyes of faith” that I commit myself. To “see” what I cannot see, to be able to pronounce a declaration that the project as “done, finished or complete,” before it is. That is the faith life I want to live. It is a focus on the bulwark of the dock, not the frequent, and at times, frenzied movement of the rope or the boat. This gives me my perspective to this daily tension. I believe God, and His promises. I am assured of His personal involvement and care. He is committed to me and His work through me. He will accomplish what I trust him for and more, beyond my knowledge now.
“Call upon me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things that you do not know now.” Jer. 33:3

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