• Latte, the Therapy Dog
Well, her name is Latte. She is a Maltepoo, a cross between a Maltese and a Poodle. This toy breed is a great lap dog and does not weigh much. Of course, Latte is still a puppy, but at eight weeks, she is a mere two pounds (dripping wet). Latte joined our home this last week.
We have another dog…
We have a Cocker Spaniel named Baby Ruth (named after the candy bar), or “Ruthie” for short. Ruthie is, unfortunately, getting older and we felt we needed another dog to provide a transition. Ruthie is not too impressed with this new addition, a little jealous and tolerating this interloper. We have been looking into different breeds and settled on this new breed. It is hypoallergenic, that is, Latte has hair rather than fur. It is very lovable and wants to please and it really good with young children. Latte loves to sit on your lap.
To provide continuity of care for the puppy while we both work, my wife Sharon, has been taking Latte to work. It has been surprising to her (an me) just how all her counseling clients have responded to Latte. Everyone wants to hold this little snow ball. The response has just been incredible, more response than Sharon could have possibly hoped for. Latte has become the “Therapy Dog.”
However, guess who thinks that Latte belongs to her? My grand daughter Madison! Madison just loves Latte.

One Response to “• Latte, the Therapy Dog”
February 3rd, 2008 at 4:26 am
Very cute. The dog or the granddaughter?
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