• On-Line Coaching Update
Yahoo! We now have FOUR “On-Line” protege’s in the Kidology Coaching Program. This is exciting for me, because I have invested so much effort in the last four years in writing and developing this mentoring model. I have been mentoring over twelve students “face to face,” from the Los Angeles area, but now we are transitioning into a national arena with this “on-line” model of coaching.
I am finding the “on-line” program is very different than the “face-to-face” model, but with modern technology…
“On-Line” relationships are becoming very doable now. However, everything has to be written in narrative, rather than a “fill-in the blank” outline. Another difference is the inability to read “body language.” Email allows us the “luxury” of being able to communicate any time, about any aspect of ministry, for a delayed response, but at little actual cost (like driving across town and the additional cost of a luncheon). I am finding that it is working out really good for me, so far.
Last year, Kidology Inc. agreed to host my new program on the Kidology website. We agreed to rename it and now my mentoring program is called the Kidology Coaching Program. The new students in the program are very promising. Currently, I have a student in Michigan, one in Washington, and two in Florida. All of them are in children’s ministry now and are eager to learn and get help with their ministries. What a nice way to begin the year with these protege’s. I hope and pray that they will each become Kids Pros. Please join me in praying for these four and for additional students to register for this exciting coaching experience. I feel I have a lot of years of experience and some accumulated wisdom that I am willing to share.
You can find out more about my “curriculum-based” Kidology Coaching Program by looking on my side bar under “Coaching” or by going to www.Kidology.org/training

2 Responses to “• On-Line Coaching Update”
January 29th, 2008 at 2:05 am
We are very excited about having you as a Coach on Kidology.org. Praying for many more students and looking forward our first graduate!
February 29th, 2008 at 12:45 am
And now you are up to 6!
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