• One “More” Year?
Maybe it is just another new year to you, but not to me! I get very reflective during this time. I find myself reviewing my year and thinking about what was missing and what could have made a difference. I then begin formulating thoughts about what my future year might look like if I set my sights and plans differently. I find myself praying about possible new ventures and goals. Sometimes God put things on my heart to trust Him for and I find myself writing things down, just to see what it looks like on paper. I tend to look for annual and quarterly and monthly goals at this time. I review all the significant areas of my life and try to assess what I can do to advance any cause that has occupied my thinking. Or I ask is there anything new that I should be concentrating on or is there anything that I need to be eliminating in the future. It might be a little early to reveal what I am currently thinking, but there are some things ahead for me to consider more carefully. There are some things I wish to accomplish in ministry and in my family.
The twists and turns of the last few months have effected us all. I know it has been for me. I am resolving to be more intentional, more frugal, more strategic, more giving, more disciplined, more loving, more creative, more healthy and more invested in my protege’s.
You might say, this year will be one “more” year.

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