• Really Know Your Child
Give Away Resources (for current on-line Kidology Protege’s only, (sorry)
From my exhaustive collection of the resource materials, I am hereby going to donate, to my students only, a collection of books on various aspects of children’s ministry.
The next one is How to Really Know Your Child published by Victor Books (155 pages, hardback in good condition) This classic work by Dr. Ross Campbell, a child psychiatrist, written for helps a parents understand the personality of their children. Dr. Campbell maintains that this is one of the most significant things a parent can do make it possible for their children develop into s strong Christian adult. I strongly recommend this book as a resource for your family ministries. An easy read and written for lay parents who want some help.
So how can you get this book? Here’s the fine print, so you can get your copy:
The first one of my On-Line Protege’s that writes a statement posting What you a planning to do for Father’s Day in the comment box below, will receive this great book in the mail. However, if no one submits anything by Wednesday noon, the other students who have previous won may enter. The recipient will be notified by email and in the comment box. So that is the deal! Let’s make me a Deal!

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