• Resource Center—Estonia
Kid-Helper Resource Center—Estonia
This last week Michael LaFond and I met with Pille (pronounced Pella) Havakats from Estonia to show her what was included in a Kid-Helper Resource Center. Well, she wanted one for the 85 churches in Estonia that could use these resources to help reach and team more children for Christ. So on Saturday we invited Pille to come with us to the Korean American CEF Conference in Los Angeles, where we were teaching two workshops: one on Object Lessons and one on Gospel Magic.
Well, she loved it and is now dreaming about how these resources could be used in her ministry. Sunday, I was able to share with a couple of adult classes how we could provide this resource for Estonia. So we are now raising money to provide this Kid-Helper Resource Center for Estonia. If you would like to help with this project, please contact me and we would love the help to provide these resources free to Estonia. Pilla will be returning to Estonia after Easter.

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