• Successful Baja-Kid Mission
It was the weekend before Christmas. The two white buses were loaded with seventy members of our team, plus the buses were loaded with gifts, food, and medicine. I remember thinking…why would we all leave our families so close to Christmas to go on a mission trip like this?
Let me share some of the story that answered this question…
Our first stop was Therasa Church in Tijuana. We were not planning to conduct a children’s program here, but there were so many children that had waited for us several hours, so Pastor Paul pressed me into action by saying, “Can you just do something for the kids?” So I rose to the occasion by grabbing my interpreter and my case of magic. I shared a couple of gospel magic tricks that illustrated the Christmas story and the significance of Jesus being the Savior. Then we feed the crowds and distributed gift bags for all the children. It turned out to be a grand time. Then we bunked down on the floor for the night.
But what if we had not come?
Our next stop was an early morning bus ride for ministry at the La Mesa Jail in Tijuana. We conducted services for 250 incarcerated men. There were several highlights with this ministry.
Thirty-eight men were baptized that morning. They were baptized in a blue 55 gallon plastic barrel (I liked that part). It was something to experience the joy of their witness to the other inmates and to us.
But what if we had not come?
At the last minute, during the meeting I was called up front and asked by the missionary to preach a little sermon to the men. So I quickly asked the Lord for a message. Then, I addressed all the inmates with message about listening to God and doing what He instructs while they are in jail. Those who put God’s Word into practice are like the wise man that builds his house on the rock. Those who do not listen to God and do not apply God’s word properly, they are likened to a foolish man who builds his house on sand. So when adversity comes, only the wise man’s house will be left standing.
So I asked, “How many of you can’t wait to leave this place?” Everyone hand was raised. “How many of you plan to live for God and do what is right, if you could ever get out of jail?” Most every hand was raised. “Why wait until you get out? Can a person listen and apply God’s Word to their life while in jail?” Yes! I continued. “Now that God has your attention, He wants you to listen to Him and practice what He says while you are here. Then you will be ready to live for Him when you get out.”
What if we had not come?
Then there was a Freedom Walk, where four Christian Inmates were released from jail. The 4 Christ Mission raised the bail money to release these four men to the custody of the Mission. When we left these four men rode our buses to live at San Telmos Church for a Discipleship Program for one month. Pray that they will follow the Lord now.
What if we had not come?
At the jail we distributed new blankets, new shoes and socks. There was also a hygiene kit with needed toiletries. Then our team provided a hot turkey luncheon, a Feast, with all the trimmings. The mission arranged a delivery of a dozen roasted turkeys, which we purchased. These men did not hesitate in filling their plates. It was such a happy time, you could only imagine. It was Christmas in their hearts, and ours too.
What if we had not come?
Then we traveled almost three hours South. We arrived at San Telmos Church, behind schedule, so we quickly set up and conducted our Children’s Outreach Ministry with the biggest group of children ever, over three hundred excited kids. The medical and dental teams went into action, provided free medical and dental services, complete with medicines. Woman’s Ministry team set up shop. The Food Service team started cooking the hot meal for the evening. All seventy of us were busy at the same time. There was something for everyone going on. Even the construction team worked into the darkness and finally had to quite, with no more sunlight.
What if we had not come?
Then we distributed gifts of new pairs of shoes, socks, blankets and hygiene supplies for all, while our supplies lasted. Then we provided a simple, but hot meal for all the 700 people, plus our team of 70, plus a few extras. What a full day, but it felt like Christmas, as we finally bunked down late that night.
What if we had not come?
In the morning I was asked if I would speak to our team. So the Lord lead me to share a message on Why I Believe in Medical Missions, based upon dental work that was donated to me over 20 years ago. There were many tears as I shared. I illustrated how God continues to receive glory by a person’s thankfulness for good works done to them by sharing my own story.
Then we gathered to dedicate the newly constructed school buildings for the children of the Migrant workers. This new school is scheduled to open in late January and they plan to add another grade every year. They a have a principle from Oaxaca coming and they are securing teachers who know the language and the migrant people. Because I am the Children’s Leader, I was asked, at the last minute, to lead in the dedicatory prayer for the new school. I believed God for a playground to be built there for the needy children of the community. Then our whole team let go of sixty bright-colored helium balloons as a symbol of this new beginning.
But what if we had not come?
Before we returned home, we toured the housing project of the migrant workers. The houses were simple, narrow, two-room row house with dirt floor and corrugated tin roof and siding. They rent this “suite” for $50 a month. They are discovering that many Indians are dying here of cancer. It is believed this is because there is no ventilation in the roof to let the smoke out as they cook with an open fire, indoors, in one room. The missionary, Pastor Paul, told us that if vents could be installed, it might prevent the exposure to breathing the smoke. We are now looking into what it will take to solve this breathing problem.
So what if we had not come? We brought and served the only Christmas meal these believers had. We brought the only presents they received. They are so poor that “gift giving” is not a common idea among them. If we had not come there would be no medical help, no gifts, no shoes, no blankets, or no hot food distributed for these poor needy families with children.
If we had not come, there would be no Christmas for them. But we did come, in name of Jesus, and we did it as unto Him. What a joy to be a part of this mission.

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