• Time With Grand Kids
Time at Knott’s with Grand Kids
I always wanted to be a Grandpa, Now that I have eight Grand Kids life has gotten sweeter for me. All my four kids married late and so all my friends were becoming grandparents before me. Just to make up for it, I would adopt other people’s kids just to fill in the gap until my kids got with the program. So in most recent years the grand kids have been coming. I am now catching up. I am adding teachable moments that create some of my own memories with them. So yesterday was one of those days when I got take two of my darlings grand kids to Knott’s Berry Farm alone, by myself. We had a wonderful time.
Of course, they are not old enough to enjoy to whole place, we mostly go to Camp Snoopy and enjoy all the kiddy rides. There is plenty to do there for two or three hours without leaving that area. Plus that amount of time is just right for our outing, which I have done more than a few times now.
Follow that up with seeing any of the Snoopy characters and going to McDonald’s for a Happy Meal and we are good. Well, yesterday being the Halloween weekend, Knott”s added these extra six stations in Camp Snoopy where the younger kids could pick up some free candy. We even found a craft station for the kids. Cool!
Also, we enjoyed the Snoopy Spooktacular Show with all the Snoopy Characters. So fun! Well, this was just too much fun for us, so I doubled my pleasure and I took both girls around to all the designated candy spots. You would think I was the best Papa in the whole world yesterday, because I took them there and we got our bags of goodies, enough to bring some home to show Mom and Dad. And the Happy Meals were a hit too, plus the play equipment at Mac’s Lounge, I did good. They are still talking about the good time. Of course, I had a two hour nap in the afternoon just to recover. Ha Ha (I think it was the busy week and not going to Knott’s that did it.)
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