• What is an Atlapedia?
An Atlapedia is a blended description of an Bible Atlas and an Encyclopedia for children produced by the creators of Veggie Tales. This was one of my Christmas presents this year. My children are now buying me resources, I think, so that I will be equipped to be the best grandfather I can be, for their children. It makes sense to me. I am just loving being a grandpa these days. However, I am called “Papa!”
It might be helpful to tell you a little more about my great Atlapedia, just in case you want one.
The Bible Atlapedia is new fun resource just for kids (and adults). Through typical Veggie humor, the Veggie guides show kids things that will help their Bible become more real to them. It covers basics such as: what’s in the Bible, how to find it, an intro of each book, key people and places, maps and a Bible time line are included in this colorful book. A good overview introduction into what the Bible is all about. It is colorful, not too deep, helpful orientation to persons, places and subjects covered in the Bible.
I have been looking it over. I am looking forward to reading this helpful resource to my grand children. This is one a series of books for kids: Veggie Tale Bible Dictionary, Bible Mania, Family Devotions, and a Bible Storybook.

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