• God Speaks
Did YOU Ever Hear God Speaking to You? I am reading Bill Hybel’s new book called The Power of a Whisper. It is a book about how God talks to us, recognizing His voice and learning how to follow his leading in our lives. As I have been reading this book, I am recounting the times that I have experienced God talking to me.
So I have been making a list of the times I can remember, very distinctly, that He has spoken and has given me instruction.
In the course of 50 years I am getting a good list. I am noticing that He is talking to me more frequently in the last ten years. This is probably more about the effort I have made to be more available, seeking Him in retreats and taking mission trips. I would have to say that I am experiencing God in more personal and deliberate ways. You might find this book helpful to you too. I have known about this before, but not put in this “summary way” or “concentrated way” of teaching. It has made me think of some of you, noticing that God is speaking to some of you too.
I recommend you consider getting this good book. It may be helpful to some of you who want to experience God speaking to you. Are you listening?
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