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• Gospel Magic Verse: John 14:6
John 14:6 says… “I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes to the Father, but by me.” To illustrate this verse, you will three silks: one gold, one white and one green.
• Kidology Coaching Summit
Whether you are a Kidology Coaching Graduate, current student, or looking to discover what Kidology Coaching is all about – this will be a weekend that can transform you and your ministry. The Kidology Coaching Summit is an intimate Coaching Retreat limited to a very small group of children’s ministry professionals who will enjoy […]
• Walking With A Slow Walker
Walking With A Slow Walker I was out shopping the other day and noticed a stressed child. Apparently, the mother was in a hurry. It appeared the mother was almost dragging the child behind her and the little girl was trying very hard, but fumbling, to keep up. With one hand above her head, […]
• Theme Experiences are “IN”
Theme Programming is Still “HOT!” Dressing up in a costume, developing a character, or creating a set on the stage is still HOT. Check out a few Children’s Church programs and you will get the idea…creating a cool learning environment. I was considered quite “odd” forty years ago, when I decided to wear a Barrel […]
• Coach’s Huddle #49
Coach’s Huddle Dec 7, 2009 Dear Protege’s, Hey, Listen to This! December business is here! Mexico Kid Mission is coming; our weekly training has begun. India Meals of Love is in full swing hoping to raise $72,000 and send over Quarter of a Million Meals to India. I presented my Dove Pan-Rice Trick five times […]
• Coach’s Huddle #48
Coach’s Huddle Nov. 30, 2009 Dear Protege’s, Hey, Listen to This! Any Turkey Left? Just the bones, right? We had a wonderful time visiting my oldest daughter and her family in Sacramento. They did all the cooking, so there are no leftovers here. However, before we arrived there my two grand daughters gave us their […]