Archive for • Object Lessons
• Can Christians Do Magic?
Should a Christian Do Magic or Conjuring? By Robert H. Hill Doesn’t the Bible forbid magic, fortune-telling and ventriloquism? Is it right for a Christian to be involved in sleight of hand and illusion–aren’t these instruments dishonest and deceptive? A Problem of Vocabulary First, let’s get our terms defined. When the Bible (especially certain […]
• Keeping Up with the Big Boys
Keeping Up with the Big Boys My son Ken and his wife Jennifer have four children, ages 8, 6, 4 and 2. The youngest is the girl Geneva. Recently, when I was visiting them in Baltimore, we visited a playground in a park in Annapolis. MD. When it was time to leave we walked quite […]
• Growth by Extension
Growth by Extension On my last trip to Baltimore to visit the grand kids, we had some free time, so we gathered up the kids and went for a walk and bike ride up the street from my son’s home. We stopped at a large grass area that the road circled around. In the center […]
• Threading the Pearls
Threading the Pearls I am not sure that you have ever made a pearl necklace. Of course, to make a necklace, you have to have a good supply of pearls, some strong nylon thread, and a needle to insert the pearls onto the thread. We could liken your pearls to the segments of your message: […]
Protected: • New Product: Story Sticks
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• Tag-Team Workshops
Tag-Team Workshops Child Evangelism Fellowship hosts two Conference for the Korean-American Churches, one in Los Angeles (April), one in Orange Country (May). Kid-Helper Resources was invited to conduct two workshops and exhibit our resources. Michael LaFond and I decided to teach both our workshops like tag-team teaching—taking turns demonstrating resources. It was so fun. One […]
• Six Resource Centers for India
Six Kid-Helper Resource Centers for India Here I am pictured with the Six Kid-Helper Resource Centers, boxed ready to ship for India. Six Cities have been slated as the recipients of these Gospel Resources. This Resource Lending Library will enable local evangelists to share the gospel with villages in isolated places where there are virtually […]
• New Product: Gospel Felts
Gospel Felts The message is clear and powerful. It is the Easter Story outline. It covers the death, burial, resurrection and appearance of the risen Christ. Not only can you tell the Easter Story, but you can use this set of silk screened felts as an outline for additional teaching about the events of […]
• Wally Walnut on YouTube
Karl Bastian is here giving a demonstration of using our Wally Walnut as part of the latest DiscipleTown unit, Discover Gifts and Talents, a new Children’s Church Curriculum that he has been writing for Discipleland. This Wally Walnut is…
• Candy-Cane Story
The Candy-Cane Object Lesson Have you considered telling the story of the Candy Cane? Well, I have done that in years past. I was inspired by David and Helen Haidle’s book The Candymaker’s Gift which is the legend of the Candy Cane. So when I needed a Christmas presentation for Preschoolers, I chose to act […]