Archive for Archive for July, 2008
• Oaxaca-Kid Mission Next
The time has come to depart for our next Kid Mission. This time we are off the Oaxaca, Mexico. We leave July 18, this Friday morning, for Mexico City, then transfer for a flight to the City of Oaxaca. There our team of fifty will board a bus and begin our missionary journey with Pastor […]
• Taylor Brianne Kinard Born
After nine months of waiting Sarah and Kevin’s second daughter arrived July 15th. She weighed in at 7 pounds, 6 ounces. Taylor comes to a loving family with lots of support. This is a great time for Kevin and Sarah who seem to be really enjoying all these special blessings. There is enough love in […]
• Bryan & Kristen Are Engaged!
Well, It’s true! Bryan and Kristen announced their engagement this last weekend. After three years of dating and working through the nitty gritty of forming a good relationship, it finally happened. I was clued in that it was imminent, when Bryan took me out to dinner to ask for Kristen’s hand in marriage. He wanted […]
• Madison Will Love This!
Madison, our two-year-old grand daughter is expecting a sister this week. So Sharon and I have been thinking how we could do something for her that would help her adjust to all the attention that comes with bringing a baby sister home. After some serious discussion and many investigative shopping trips to consider our options, […]
• NeXgen Mandarin Kids
There are many First Generation Mandarin speaking Chinese at the Bread of Life Church in Torrance. They have their own Mandarin speaking worship and programs. After many years of ministry, there is a growing group of second generation Chinese who have learned English and have become parents. Their children are learning English in school and […]
• Knotty-Heart Trick
Knotty-Heart Trick is on special this month from Kid Helper Resources. A simple gospel illusion that we have used in our ministry for years. The thing I like about it is that you can create new messages for any occasion once you learn the effect. If you are interested in securing your own, just go […]
• Not A History Buff
History never was my favorite subject. I kind of tolerated historical study in school, not that I failed the subject, but just had a no reason to relate to it. As the years have gone by, I remember the first time I really connected to the study of history. It was while attending Moody Bible […]
• New Website Announced
It is now official! Kid Helper Resources announced the opening of it’s website. The vision of the site is to provide unique and creative resources to help those ministering to kids. Michael LaFond, the company’s chief officer, has been working hard to launch this new web business site. So this week, July 1st, it launched. […]
• Condo Splish Splash
It was a quite time at the Condo when I went there for a Writing Retreat. However, the silence was broken late morning when a vacationing neighbor broke out this virtual water-park slide, unbeknown to me. Apparently, he blow up the unit and attached a hose. The silence of my solitary place was broken with […]
• Recognition from Luis Palau
This is a recently received certificate that came in the mail. This means that I am one of the evangelists in the Next Generation Alliance. This is a group of evangelists that Luis Palau Evangelistic Association partners with to effect the next generation. I have attended an annual training program every summer since 1998 ( […]