Archive for Archive for June, 2011
• Best Gift for Father’s Day
Best Gift for Father’s Day I got a call from Spencer, my four-year old grandson, who lives in Baltimore. “I have something to tell you Papa! Oh what is that Spencer? I asked Jesus into my life today! Whoa, Spencer that is wonderful. Did Daddy pray with you? “Yah, he did.” So Spencer where is […]
• Check List for A Better VBS
VBS Checklist: A Tool for a Better VBS The annual routine of doing VBS has an Upside…doing it BETTER than the years before. The more years of VBS experience you get, the more real improvements you should be making in your program and leadership. Here is my new VBS Checklist that could help you to […]
• Shoot the Story Shot
Shoot the Story Shot This Summer I enter a Photo Challenge to see if I could improve my ability with my camera. So I am taking the camera with me a bit more and looking for opportunities to spot the shots and shoot the story shots. So on Father’s Day my family stumbled onto a […]
• Co-Active Coaching Quotes
Co-Active Coaching Quotes: The following quotes from “Co-Active Coaching,” a book written by the founders of The Coaches Training Institute, eloquently describe what coaching is and how it provides a powerful change process for people. 1. “Imagine a relationship where the total focus is on you, on what you want in your life, and on […]
• My Water Pebble Collection
My Water Pebble Collection I was ready to leave for Church on Sunday morning and I went to get into my car. I observed these really prominent water drops on the sunroof window of my new Honda CR-V parked in the driveway. Apparently, the unusual light rain during the night left this water residue on […]
• The Art of GrandLoving
The Art of GrandLoving I could hardly wait to become a grandparent. My four kids all married late. Most of my peers were already grandparents, so I thought the day would never come. I even found myself volunteering to be the grand parent for other people’s kids. Not long after our kids began getting married, […]
• Grand Parenting Stats
Research: Some Stats on Grand Parenting “By 2010 there will be more than 80 million grand parents, 33 percent more than there were in 1992. But the vast numbers of grand parents now and to come tell only part of the story. Today 82 percent of the grand parents have seen a grandchild in the […]
• Leaders: A Delegation Question
Leadership: A Delegation Question Here’s My Answer…to the Delegation Question! Okay, here’s my question, How do you have a high standard and expect them (those you delegate to) to do less at the same time? Isn’t that expecting them “to do less” the same as having a lower standard? Regarding your good delegation question. My […]
• Sixteen Steps to the Next Level
Sixteen Steps To The Next Level What follows are my Sixteen Steps that will provide a basis to move your children’s ministry to the next level. It is admittedly, impossible to work on all these steps at one time. However, if you would make it your ambition to seriously work on these steps your will […]
• Growth by Extension
Growth by Extension On my last trip to Baltimore to visit the grand kids, we had some free time, so we gathered up the kids and went for a walk and bike ride up the street from my son’s home. We stopped at a large grass area that the road circled around. In the center […]