Archive for • Children’s Ministry
• New Spanish Counseling Book
Announcing the Born Again Birthday Book is printed in Spanish.
• Marvelous Marvin Puppet
This is the new puppet production that I made for Kathy Vincent, the Scripture Lady. Last week Marvelous Marvin become the newest puppet in her Pre-School Program.
• Bob, the Builder!
Again, I asked another of my new Kidology Graduate Students to describe for me what metaphor he would use to describe his coaching experience. There was a long silence as my student gave some fresh thought to this idea. My suspense was rewarded with the reference to the “Wise and Foolish Builder.” However, I had […]
• Wearable Puppet Stage
Can you help me? I have this idea… Kathy Vincent, aka the Scripture Lady, who is one of my Graduate Coaching students was working on a new Preschool Program asked me if I could help her make a Wearable Puppet Stage. She found this example on the Internet and wanted to add it her show. […]
• Bridges to Nowhere?
Bridging Insights We have used the word bridge in the church as a verb—“to bridge someone to Christ.” It has become our culturally polite way of describing how we help a person who is in the process to becoming a Christian, without offending them. It appears to give the option of delay—the urgency is […]
• The Doll House Effect
Over thirty years ago I was visiting New York with my Mother-in-law and my daughter. We were on our way to Cooperstown and noticed a billboard for Doll Houses made in Schenevus, NY. So we stopped out of curiosity and bought three Doll Houses. We brought them home on the plane and put them away. […]
• A Kidmin Giant?
When I asked one of my new graduate students to give me a metaphor that would describe her coaching experience from the beginning until now, she paused and thought. So I waited for any response, then it came. She said, “David and Goliath.” “Can you elaborate on that thought?” I inquired. “Well, when I started […]
• A Busload for Heaven
By Jessica Klinker About 12 years ago, during my first year as a Children’s Director, we were celebrating our AWANA Pinewood Derby. I was still nervous speaking in front of adults (actually, I still am). I asked our AWANA missionary to give our devotion for this night. I waited and waited, the Derby had started […]
• Resource Centers for India
Our vision is to resource remote Village Evangelists in India. Two years ago we established Seven Resource Centers that now serve 222 rural evangelists who have NO visual resources to reach unreached people. This trip to India we will establish Eight More Resource Centers. It works much like a lending library—check it out, return it, […]
• What’s Your Ministry Process?
Can we learn about ministry from Noah? Yes! It is important to establish for yourself how you go about developing your ministry. There seems to be a process, a pattern that I can objectively talk about that I refer to as my ministry process. It is like getting your story together. Another analogy […]