Archive for • Coaching Kids Pros
• Bob, the Builder!
Again, I asked another of my new Kidology Graduate Students to describe for me what metaphor he would use to describe his coaching experience. There was a long silence as my student gave some fresh thought to this idea. My suspense was rewarded with the reference to the “Wise and Foolish Builder.” However, I had […]
• A Kidmin Giant?
When I asked one of my new graduate students to give me a metaphor that would describe her coaching experience from the beginning until now, she paused and thought. So I waited for any response, then it came. She said, “David and Goliath.” “Can you elaborate on that thought?” I inquired. “Well, when I started […]
• Create Your Kidmin Brand
Did you know there are 7,000 varieties of apples in the world? But they are all apples! Did you know there are over 1,000 varieties of bananas? But they are all bananas! Every fruit is a unique kind, but each kind has multiple varieties. When I have traveled overseas, I have encountered varieties of […]
• Averting a Train Wreck
When asked to describe our mentoring experience with a Metaphor, my student offered—“it was like preventing a train wreck!” The diesel engine was going downhill fast, too fast, and getting faster. Things were getting out of control. The full-weight of the train cars were pushing from behind—creating a potential collision course. All attempts to slow […]
• A Light in the Fog
Light in a Fog Fog has a way of engulfing the visible rendering it invisible. Normally, a Lighthouse is useful at night when visibility is diminished. Then you add fog in the night and you have a hazardous condition for navigating any coastal waters. Lighthouses have been strategically constructed all along rugged coastlines to provide […]
• Co-Active Coaching Quotes
Co-Active Coaching Quotes: The following quotes from “Co-Active Coaching,” a book written by the founders of The Coaches Training Institute, eloquently describe what coaching is and how it provides a powerful change process for people. 1. “Imagine a relationship where the total focus is on you, on what you want in your life, and on […]
• Holding Your Hand
Holding Your Hand There is something special about offering someone your hand. It is symbolic of presence, or not doing something alone. To extend a helpful hand is a role every Kidmin who can come along side a child and offer some assistance. Every kid, no matter how good his parents are, needs the support […]
• The Coach is “IN”
So I set up my shingle promoting my Coaching Services. When business was a little slow, I offered some Free Coaching. This was done at the empty table near the Kidology and DiscipleLand booth that I retreated to for a break. Well, my friend Julie Kurz came by, saw the sign and said, “Would you […]
• Coach’s Conundrum #6
6. Little Is More; Is More Too Much? If Little is More, then why is More not equal to Less? But Less is More. So More can be Too Much when Little is More? Is this more than double-talk or a “play on words?” Is there some meaning here? This Conundrum is not universal in […]
• Coach’s Conundrum #4
4. “It’s Better to have a Big Goal and Miss It, Than to have No Goal and Hit It.” This is sort of the play-on-words, but there is a big truth behind it. We accomplish more by trying to work a plan than we do by having no plan. Moving forward is better than moving […]