Archive for Archive for April, 2011
• KidMin Jobs
Kidmin Jobs: Entry Scenarios From my vantage point in getting to know many children’s ministry leaders I concluded that there seem to be five typical ways or scenarios that persons use to come into the profession of Children’s Ministry or KIdmin Jobs. Which one of these Entry Scenarios describes you? 1. The Lay Volunteer (LV). […]
• Creating A Resource Place
Creating Your Resource Place As I have moved around churches I have observed how many churches have created places to keep resources for the teachers and workers. The variety has ranged from whole rooms designated as the Resource Center (Room) to an organized Resource Closet, to a set of labeled plastic-stack boxes in the Kidmin […]
• Kid Worker’s Clip Art Book
Give Away Resources (for current on-line Kidology Protege’s only, (sorry) From my exhaustive collection of the resource materials, I am hereby going to donate, to my current students only, a collection of books on various aspects of children’s ministry. The next one is The Kid Worker’s Clip Art Book published by Gospel Light Publishers (175 […]
• What Is a Trysting Place?
What’s A Trysting Place? It is a place that is quite special. Historically, it was a place where two lovers would meet, out of the way, kind of remote—where they might steal away to rendezvous at the appointed time. You could interpret this as an romantic affair, which is what our culture could interpret the […]
• Blessing the Children
Blessing the Children It was Jesus who said, with open arms and open hands, “Let the little children come unto Me, and forbid them not.” (Matt. 19:14, Mark 10:14, Luke 18:16) It is hard to imagine anything less from our compassionate Savior. All children would be welcome to Jesus. Mothers in that day would bring […]
• Holding Your Hand
Holding Your Hand There is something special about offering someone your hand. It is symbolic of presence, or not doing something alone. To extend a helpful hand is a role every Kidmin who can come along side a child and offer some assistance. Every kid, no matter how good his parents are, needs the support […]
• What’s Your Kid Count?
Kid Count: What is the Difference Between Head-Count and Data-Base Count? The Head-Count Number is the actual counting of kids that come through all your programs each week. So you add up all the attendance for all your individual programs and get a Head Count number. This number will have duplicates, as the same kids […]
• One-Minute Poster Book
Give Away Resources (for current on-line Kidology Protege’s only, sorry) From my exhaustive collection of the resource materials, I am hereby going to donate, to my current students only, a collection of books on various aspects of children’s ministry. The next one is The ONE Minute Poster published by Gospel Light Publishers (189 pages, […]
• Coach’s Conundrum #10
Coach’s Conundrums #10. Good Ideas Are My Ideas, And Bad Ideas Are Your Ideas! Over the years I have learned that I am not the only repository of good ideas. As a leader, you have to know how to solicit ideas from others that can help you to solve problems, but it’s not easy. From […]
• Tag-Team Workshops
Tag-Team Workshops Child Evangelism Fellowship hosts two Conference for the Korean-American Churches, one in Los Angeles (April), one in Orange Country (May). Kid-Helper Resources was invited to conduct two workshops and exhibit our resources. Michael LaFond and I decided to teach both our workshops like tag-team teaching—taking turns demonstrating resources. It was so fun. One […]