Archive for • Estonia-Kid Mission
• Next Generation Partnership
Partners for the Next Generation Recently, our church sponsored a Photo Contest. However, the photo submitted had to answer the question: What do I love about my Church? After a lengthy process, I concluded, “I love my church because it has been willing to partner with me to influence the next generation of the […]
• Resource Center—Estonia
Kid-Helper Resource Center—Estonia This last week Michael LaFond and I met with Pille (pronounced Pella) Havakats from Estonia to show her what was included in a Kid-Helper Resource Center. Well, she wanted one for the 85 churches in Estonia that could use these resources to help reach and team more children for Christ. So on […]
• Estonia-Kid Mission-2004
It was the summer of 2004 that I joined a team of thirty-three that went to Tartu, Estonia to build a playgound for children. Pictured here is our team from Whittier Area Community Church, along with some teachers and new friends, who helped at the site. In one week the playground was completed. It was […]