Archive for Archive for January, 2014
• Catching Little Wigglers
Catching Little Wigglers While in elementary school, I lived in Encinitas, CA. I have memories of my Father taking my two younger brothers and I on a fishing trip to the Colorado River. My father used his deep sea fishing gear and us boys only had lightweight tackle. Dad used big hooks and big pieces […]
• Top Kidmin Blogs
Tony Kummer at has compiled a list of top 100 children’s ministry blogs! Again this year has made the list of the top 100 kidmin blogs. I have been doing some serious revision of our Kidology Coaching Handbook, so my posting has dropped some. However, my writing project is almost complete. I will […]
• Leaders: Art of Restart
Leaders: Art of Restart Because we work with people who sin, we understand something of the role of confession and forgiveness…this is a restart. For a person to put their life back together and move forward in right living, we extend some room to learn and some trial and error time. In our leadership roles […]