• Paul Bunyan Flapjacks
Would you believe these Flapjacks? They are huge. Paul Bunyan cuisene at the Quasti Cafe in Chino. This Funny-Fun Foto features Ann Trace and Debby Lehman who took me out for breakfast, after our trip to Mexico, last weekend. Yes, these are the standard cakes that everyone gets when they order pancakes, either one or two (one on the left and two on the right). Notice the plates are large platters. Ann and Debby could hardly believe their eyes…
The Quasti Cafe is also known for thier 25 cent cup of coffee too. However, the meal was “way more” than we could eat, and we were hungry. Ann and Debby are both nurses from Tucson, Arizona. It was a such a good time to have them along on this mission trip. They joined over fifty other team members on our last Baja-Outreach Mission to San Telmos and the Ensenada Jail. We were celebrating our adventure with this “Hungry Man” breakfast. They “tanked up” for their long 500 miles drive back to Tucson. (It was no wonder that they did not stop for lunch.) Who said Texas was the only place where things are large?

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