• Benjamin’s Second Birthday

Posted by: kidhelper on Monday, December 3rd, 2007


This photo of our was taken on April 18th, 2006, when our grandson, Benjamin, prayed with his parents to invite Jesus into his life. My son, Ken, expressed to me that he was wondering about a salvation decision of a three year old.

So we had this discussion, that went something like this…

So I asked Ken, “Do you pray with Benjamin every night?

“Yes!” He said.

“Do you pray with him at every meal?” I continued.

“Three times a day,” was the response.

“Do you take him to church and Sunday school every week?” I probed.

“Yes, since he was a baby,” Ken replied.

“Do you have a Bible reading time with Benjamin?”

“Yes, we have been doing that every day for a couple of years.”

“Do you have a ‘blanket time’ with him every night?”

“Yes, we even sing Christian songs, talk about our day and say prayers.”

“Do you teach him to memorize Bible verses?” I probed further.

“Yes, he has memorized one verse for every letter of the alphabet and more,” was the reply.

“Do you have Christian friends in your home?”

“Yes, we have a house church here.”

“Do you live a consistent Christian example in front of him.”

“Yes, we try our best.”

“Well, then how many years of that would you think it would take to influence someone who lives with you? Three years? I think so! Of course, Benjamin is young, but will you continue what you are doing in the years to come?”

“Yes, that is the plan,” Ken affirmed.

“Then, he is responding to your teaching, his faith will grow and mature. You are doing so many right things with him that this response is consistent with your parenting. Son, this is a good thing. I would that all parents would be as invested in their children as you and your Jennifer are with Benjamin.”

Then I asked Ken, “How old were you when you invited Jesus into your life?”

“I was four years old,” Ken confessed. “I understand your point.”

“I rest my case.”

Benjamin was presented this great soccer ball to help commemorate his decision. Ken thought it would make his decision more memorable. Actually, this is what happened when Ken accepted the Lord. I had previously planned on giving Ken a football. Unknown to me, that same day Ken raised his hand in my meeting. On the way home we stopped the car so he could pray with me. Then we went to a park, where I presented the football to him. Ken had remembered how special that was for him, so he kind of did the same with his son.

Benjamin is five now and the family traditions and good parenting continue.

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