• Connecting the Dots

Posted by: kidhelper on Wednesday, September 29th, 2010


Connecting the Dots… Maybe, some of you remember the paint by number sets that kids could use to learn how to paint. Well, that is kind of the idea behind connecting the dots.

I was rehearsing kind of an overview of my experience with India with my Missions Pastor. I was weaving a connection between isolated events over the last two years and how God has been leading me to be involved there. The more I shared, the more I was tying things together to illustrate my story. Now, having made three trips to India, the picture is becoming clear as to what God was really doing with me. But frankly, I am not sure it is all done yet, but I do have a better focus. After a while of listening, Mrs. Coats said, “Barney, I really like the way God is helping you to connect the dots in your ministry to India.”

That observation caused me to reflect even more about how my experiences in India have changed my life. Now I have made many foreign mission trips, and they all have affected me, however, but none so deeply as my Kid Missions to India.

Steve Jobs, in his exemplary commencement address at Standford University in 2005 made the following observation:  “It is virtually impossible to connect the dots looking forward, rather connecting the dots is a function of looking back, interpreting the past.” I agree that the process of connecting the dots has been for me a function of understanding my past, not my future. Looking back one can garner greater insight and clarity into one’s process. I think this is particularly true for us Christians. Hindsight can really help one make sense of life’s puzzle pieces.

What seems like something insignificant can become significant, even with set backs, losses and what would appear to be some mistakes. For me, as a Christian, I believe that when I surrendered myself to the Lordship of Christ, He would be invited to order my steps. Therefore, nothing is wasted when I follow Him. Then I can look back and connect all the dots. Now, I see more clearly!

You can view the Steve Jobs 2005 Standford University Commencement Address at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UF8uR6Z6KLc

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