• Kevin’s Announcement

Posted by: kidhelper on Monday, December 3rd, 2007


We decided to have an impromptu family dinner Saturday night, because we had a turkey donated to our family that needed to be cooked. So we announced that all the family could come over for dinner. It was like a Thanksgiving Dinner. They all came. We were enjoying the turkey will all the trimmings. when Kevin asked, so what are you thankful for? So each one took turns sharing their thankfulness. All participated.

Finally, it was Kevin’s turn…


Kevin told how thankful he and Sarah are for their daughter Madison. However, he went on, to our surprise…He announced that Madison will have a sibling in July next year!


We were all surprised and so excited with this news from Kevin and Sarah. What a great moment we shared rejoicing in this good news. How convenient that we announced this impromptu dinner for them to make this announcement. This will be our seventh grand child (and we are still counting)


So Madison’s life of leisure will be coming to an end next summer. We are encouraging her to just sit back and enjoy this leisure while she can. Actually, here she was copying her grandmother’s restful posture, as they were watching TV on our bed. We were amused with her hands under her head.


Things will change for Madison. She will no longer be alone in the back seat of the car. Little does she know how much fun is coming. Imagine another little Kinard. Being grandparents is just getting better and better. I remember thinking that I would never get to be a Grandpa, now it is raining grandchildren. I am just loving all this fun (so is Sharon). Rejoice with us.

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One Response to “• Kevin’s Announcement”

Iris Says:
December 3rd, 2007 at 6:34 pm

Congratulations! Boy when it rains at your house it pours. But are not the only ones to add to the family, I will be getting two grand daughter Dec.22. They are so sweet and captured the hearts of the whole family in one day. We are all looking forward to this holiday season with every one here and then adding 3 more. It can’t get any better then this. By the way, you and Sharon are having way too much fun with this “grandparent thing”. I told you would. God Bless. Iris


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