• My Floral Bouquet #4

Posted by: kidhelper on Thursday, November 8th, 2007


These are unbelievably small flowers. They are greatly magnified here. I was attracted to them because they were star shaped. I had never seen anything like them before. They were unique to me. I found these flowers on top of the Rock Church in Helsinki, Finland. If you can imagine it, an entire city block that is just a big rock. The city built all around this block. The rock was good for nothing for years and years, until a church bought to land (or I should say, the rock)…

They blasted a large hole into the center of the rock. They put a roof over the hole and put a church inside the hole. Now, it is called the Rock Church and thousands of tourists and Christians come there annually to check it out. I had heard of this place when we were at Hilton Head on vacation. So when I realized that we had an extra day, three of us decided to board a boat from Tallinn, Estonia and ride to Helsinki, Finland to see it for ourselves.

Touring inside and around the Rock Church, we climbed on top of the Rock to look around. That’s when I found these Star Flowers. In studying the situation there, I became aware of just how little soil there was on top of this Rock Church to support any plant life, even these delicate flowers. The soil was very shallow. The life expectancy of these little flowers would have to be short in the summer heat.

I am reminded just how some children are born in poverty. They seem to be so needy from the start, with not much support, trapped in their circumstances. Some children flourish for a awhile, but succumb without the necessary resources. Too many of these children never make it out of childhood. They survive while they can, and sadly expire, with a life too short.

However, in the economy of God, the very young are welcomed into His Kingdom to shine, like the little “stars” they are.

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