• The Coaching Partnership

Posted by: kidhelper on Monday, July 19th, 2010


The Coaching Partnership

The coaching relationship is a partnership between two equals. My relationship with my protégé’s is based upon the belief that they are smart, mature, and capable people who want support in articulating and achieving their goals. It seems to me that I provide support in at least four basic ways.

1. I ask provocative questions! Important insight is gained from their responses, I often explore the answers—“Let’s unpack that,” I have been heard to say. This helps me to plan for the next steps in our relationship.

2. I see the Kidology Coaching Notebook as a collection of talking points to discuss: some familiar, some old and some new ideas that might be helpful for their leadership issues in Children’s ministry, long term. Sooner or later, all these areas show up in CM.

3. I am deliberate about giving counsel and information drawing upon my personal ministry experience, as well as, my work with others. I try to provide a variety of expertise and resources. Hopefully, this helps my protége’s avoid the mistakes that I, and others have made.

4. I provide the focus and structure of ongoing support needed to stay engaged in meaningful action. I celebrate my protégé’s successes, hold their hands through difficult periods, and act as a steward for the lives they most want. I am their partner, and my only agenda is their success.

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