• Theme Experiences are “IN”

Posted by: kidhelper on Saturday, June 12th, 2010

Barney's Barrel

Theme Programming is Still “HOT!” Dressing up in a costume, developing a character, or creating a set on the stage is still HOT. Check out a few Children’s Church programs and you will get the idea…creating a cool learning environment.

I was considered quite “odd” forty years ago, when I decided to wear a Barrel into a meeting to present the gospel to children. Well, I was “odd.” However, this barrel (worn) with a long tie became my “signature” outfit for all outreach programs. However, now theme programming is here to stay. Almost all publishing houses have produced VBS programs that require theme development. Over the years, I have collected a number of theme costumes to compliment these various themes. I probably have a dozen outfits now. Here is another one…Jester_5

Yup, i became a Court Jester! Some of my protege’s are getting into these theme costumes too. Arline is quickly developing characters and outfits. Jenny just added her first Story Lady persona this last week. Nancy became a clown, Doug became a Chef, and there are more. So finding ways to make your program interesting and memorable is part of the fun. It is just short of being a clown, after all, which for some of you, might be the next step. You know, those in children’s ministry give new meaning to becoming a “Fool for Christ,” right? This is what the “experience economy” is all about in our culture. “Work is becoming theatre and your ministry is like a stage.”

You might want to consult this book: The Experience Economy (by Pine and Gilmore) for more current thinking in how businesses in our culture are working on a “theme” premise. This is a secular book, but it sure helps explain how great theme parks, many memorable restaurants, and some rather unique business plans work a theme. It is HOT in our culture too.

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