• Use Utility-Magic Tricks

Posted by: kidhelper on Monday, October 22nd, 2012

Use Utility-Magic Tricks

One of the problems that children’s leaders have with gospel magic is buying magic that only has a “one time” use. Because they have the same audience every week, they cannot use the effect again, right away. This being the case, there is some pull back about spending too much on a “one use” item.

One solution for the “one-time” trick is Utility Magic. This type of magic apparatus is really a combination of a vanish/production effect—two in one! It should be added that any destroyed item can be restored with this combination vanish and production effect.

What follows is suggested collection of standard tricks that I call Utility Magic that has multiple uses for the same audience.

1.  Square Circle! There are several varieties of this classic effect. Basically it is square box (with no top or bottom) that covers a cylinder. Take the square off of the cylinder, show it empty and return it. Take the cylinder out of the box, show it empty, then return it.

2.  Change Bag! This also is a classic effect that will allow you unzip the bag to show the bag empty, then put something into it, and take something else out. By showing the bag empty, the first things have vanished. A change bag is a great way to exchange, vanish, or reproduce any item. You can do all kinds of tricks and routines.

3.  Dove Pan! Remove the lid, show the pan empty, put something inside, put the lid back on. Remove the lid, now something else appears, maybe a dove! The original item has been replaced!

4.  Take Apart Magic Box! It is a colorful box that the performer takes something out of the box and then places something else inside (a small object) and it “magically” disappear! To prove that it’s vanished, the box is then disassembled in front of the audience.

5.  Mirror Box Production Box This is a classic production prop, they come in a variety of sizes and colors. It has a hidden compartment to be used for vanishing or producing almost any object or small animal. It has a slanted mirror camouflaged by the inside of the box, which conceals and hides the loads.


6. Massal Tube! A colorful prop that seems as innocent as a rolled up piece of paper.  But, after showing your audience the “inside” and “outside” you can quickly produce multiple silks, streamers, or more. This high-quality tube is suitable for vanishes, productions, color changes and more.


7. Switch Can! A nice apparatus that appears perfectly innocent, yet it can be used for vanishing, producing, or exchanging items merely by adding or removing the cover from a can.

I recommend these utility props, because by changing the number of items you vanish and produce you can increase your message options.

Contact Mike LaFond from www.kidhelperresources.com to arrange securing some of these Utility illusions.

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