• Coach’s Conundrum #12

Posted by: kidhelper on Monday, February 20th, 2012

Coach’s Conundrum #12

Seven Times in Seven Places!

This is not original with me. I first heard it from Karl Bastian, and I have been using it ever since. It just makes sense to me, knowing how much communication is needed in children’s ministry to just get the simplest message to stick. So here is what it means: To promote some announcement or program that you have communicate “seven times in seven different places.”

If want your parents to get your important messages, you have to consider saying it, at least, seven ways to communicate it, and seven different places around your Church campus.   This also means that you might not be advertising or promoting enough, if you just communicate a few times, in just a few places.

Here are some Ways to communicate your announcement or program. Can you think of other ways?

  1. Bulletin or bulletin insert
  2. Announcements
  3. Monthly newsletter
  4. Take-Home Handout
  5. Posters
  6. Signs
  7. Bulletin Boards
  8. Mailings
  9. Phone Calls
  10. Facebook
  11. Email Blast
  12. Postcard
  13. Oral/ Leaders
  14. Twitter

Here are some different Places you might try. Can you think of others?

  1. Walls/Halls
  2. Internet Blog/Web
  3. Pulpit
  4. Handouts
  5. Take Home Paper
  6. Teacher’s Meeting
  7. Parent Program
  8. School
  9. Facebook
  10. Internet Blog
  11. Doors/ Classrooms
  12. Bulletin Boards
  13. Car Windows in Parking Lot
  14. Neighborhood/Stores
  15. Door to Door/Visitation

Here is your Conundrum Challenge:

When you have a really important announcement or a new program that you want to promote, see if you can discover your own seven ways in seven different places to make that promotion. See if this works for you, test it out!

Begin tracking what works and what doesn’t in your ministry. I am sure that you will find that repetition will make a significant difference for you. Get creative with the way you make announcements and promotions of your new ministries. Finding your own advertising formula might be vital to promotional success in your church.


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One Response to “• Coach’s Conundrum #12”

Margo (Bible Games Factory) Says:
March 26th, 2012 at 3:13 pm

I absolutely love this blog post! I’m a big believer in posting announcements and important messages up in as many places as possible to ensure that all of my students’ parents get the message—and you have some ways to communicate announcements on your list that I hadn’t thought of before! Thank you for sharing this information!


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