• Care, Beyond Compare!

Posted by: kidhelper on Monday, October 15th, 2012

Care, Beyond Compare

To create a caring paradigm in children’s ministry has to come from the Children’s Pastor in concert with their leadership team. When the leader creates that kind of caring atmosphere among the teachers it gives permission for quality of care to trickle down like rain on the children. This is rare, but I have met a few of these pure caregiving leaders who really work at relating to each other on a deeper level. I believe it is possible to strive for creating this unique paradigm.

Here are some of my Ten Observations that can make this caring paradigm work—beyond compare. It requires a relational leader!

  1. It needs an open, responsive, warm and caring leader, who models this kind of care. Be a relational Kidmin who trains volunteers to be skilled in demonstrating care for each other.
  2. It has a committed core of leaders! The synergism of this caring group of leaders is a core of committed caregivers. They become the driving force to maintain this caring culture.
  3. It is caring deeply! They care deeply for one another. There seems to be a deep-bond forged in problems, but solved with mature and open relational skills and regular prayer.
  4. It demonstrates love! One can experience the intense feeling of love among the leadership team. I wrote about this phenomenon. See The Volunteer Benefit Package.
  5. It requires communication! I have observed a distinct pattern of short, but frequent talk, a kind of lingering for one another. This communication involves checking in, phoning, texting, notes, Facebook, huddles, meetings, emails, and talking for the sole purpose of caring.
  6. It is defining! Clearly, this sets two equal churches apart, one with this caring paradigm and the other one without. Everything being the same, this church culture is clearly a cut above—another level, for sure.
  7. It takes time! To create this level of trust and support time is needed to grow a culture of care among leaders. It takes patience to establish this goal.
  8. It is confusing! Not all staff really under stand this level of care and support generated by children’s leaders. It is a deeply caring partnership—a deeper fellowship.
  9. It is magnetic! I have seen recruiting done in this caring environment, and it is dynamic. People are drawn to the leadership, almost begging to be a part of this caring-group experience.
  10. It is serving one another! The group tends to linger for one another, like they want to spend time together. Everyone is just poised to find ways to be involved with one another.

Care for children is the by-product. The quality of care handed down to children by caring leaders like this is just Awesome!  See The Kid-Helper Credo. Clearly, this culture commands the admiration of people of quality. It is compelling! It is caring—beyond compare!

(Inspired by the Kid-Care Pro)

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