• Indian Village Needs A Finished Church

Posted by: kidhelper on Sunday, September 16th, 2007

Three years ago in India, the village chief heard about Jesus and decided that he himself and all his people should become followers of Jesus. So the Sathyam Ministries helped with the conversion of all 120 members of the tribe, including the children. What followed was an effort to build this tribal group a church. It has taken some time and progress has been constant, but slow. On my trip to Vizag, we were able to visit this nearby rual village. We drove up to this very poor village for an “impromptu” roadside visit. Most of their homes looked like this one.


Many there quickly recognized C.V. (the Missionary Evangelist and Leader of Sathyam Ministies that I was traveling with) as we got out of the car and walked around. Then children gathered around. Then we were soon swamped with very happy children.

Everyone greeted one another with “Praise the Lord.” Then the parents started coming. I was introduced to some children and a few families. We gathered around for some pictures.


Then I could not resist wanting to minister to the kids, so I grabbed an object lesson from the car and presented it to the delight of the children. Spontaneously, some mothers brought their babies in arms for me to pray for them. I was not expecting this response, so I put my hand on their heads and began to pray for the children. More mothers and babies came. I felt just like Jesus when He received the mothers who brought their children for a blessing from Jesus. This was such a moving experience. Jesus lives among them.


As we had to force ourselves to move on, Barney was taken to the site of this almost finished village church. This is the new church for this village.


“It looks great, but what needs to be finished?” I wondered, as I was preparing to take another photo.

“The inside,” was the quick response.

“What needs to be done?” I probed.

“Some finish work inside. Also some paint and miscellaneous things to make it useful and inviting. You will notice that the inside of the back room is not finished. That is where the Village Pastor will live.”

“Do you have a Pastor for this church?” I continued.

“Yes, he is ready to move in as soon as the church is finished.”

“So how much would it take to really finish this project?”

“About $500 (US)” I was told.

“Is that all?”


I thought to myself. We should just take care of this when I get home. So I began to pray that somehow we could provide the funds to finish this church. I will not forget the kids.


So, for the sake of the children, like these, we could just finish this place of worship.
Then the whole village will have their own Church, including the children.

Lord, help us do this!

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