Archive for • Featuring My Protege’s
• Marvelous Marvin Puppet
This is the new puppet production that I made for Kathy Vincent, the Scripture Lady. Last week Marvelous Marvin become the newest puppet in her Pre-School Program.
• Bob, the Builder!
Again, I asked another of my new Kidology Graduate Students to describe for me what metaphor he would use to describe his coaching experience. There was a long silence as my student gave some fresh thought to this idea. My suspense was rewarded with the reference to the “Wise and Foolish Builder.” However, I had […]
• A Kidmin Giant?
When I asked one of my new graduate students to give me a metaphor that would describe her coaching experience from the beginning until now, she paused and thought. So I waited for any response, then it came. She said, “David and Goliath.” “Can you elaborate on that thought?” I inquired. “Well, when I started […]
• Leadership Makeover
With years of leadership experience and multiple jobs and ministry positions, it was revealing, but not surprising to me, that one protégé offered this metaphor to explain her coaching experience. “Coaching for me became a Leadership Makeover! After three years of working with my Coach Barney Kinard, I am now qualified to move up into […]
• Top Hundred Kidmin Blogs
I Made the Top Hundred Kidmin Websites For the second year in a row I secured a spot on the top 100 Kidmin websites. That’s pretty cool. Tony Kummer has figured out a system for qualifying some really good Kidmin sites. Notice where Kidology ranks, and our Scripture Lady too. Whoa! You might want to […]