Archive for • Kidology Coaching
• Bob, the Builder!
Again, I asked another of my new Kidology Graduate Students to describe for me what metaphor he would use to describe his coaching experience. There was a long silence as my student gave some fresh thought to this idea. My suspense was rewarded with the reference to the “Wise and Foolish Builder.” However, I had […]
• The Doll House Effect
Over thirty years ago I was visiting New York with my Mother-in-law and my daughter. We were on our way to Cooperstown and noticed a billboard for Doll Houses made in Schenevus, NY. So we stopped out of curiosity and bought three Doll Houses. We brought them home on the plane and put them away. […]
• A Kidmin Giant?
When I asked one of my new graduate students to give me a metaphor that would describe her coaching experience from the beginning until now, she paused and thought. So I waited for any response, then it came. She said, “David and Goliath.” “Can you elaborate on that thought?” I inquired. “Well, when I started […]
• A Busload for Heaven
By Jessica Klinker About 12 years ago, during my first year as a Children’s Director, we were celebrating our AWANA Pinewood Derby. I was still nervous speaking in front of adults (actually, I still am). I asked our AWANA missionary to give our devotion for this night. I waited and waited, the Derby had started […]
• What’s Your Ministry Process?
Can we learn about ministry from Noah? Yes! It is important to establish for yourself how you go about developing your ministry. There seems to be a process, a pattern that I can objectively talk about that I refer to as my ministry process. It is like getting your story together. Another analogy […]
• Living the Kidmin Legacy
Usually, the term Legacy refers to an amount of money or property left to someone in a will upon death of another. However, it can be an inheritance, a gift, a body of work, where the benefactors are friends or members of your family. Anything that you are “known for” accomplishing in your […]
• Leaders: Art of Restart
Leaders: Art of Restart Because we work with people who sin, we understand something of the role of confession and forgiveness…this is a restart. For a person to put their life back together and move forward in right living, we extend some room to learn and some trial and error time. In our leadership roles […]
• Averting a Train Wreck
When asked to describe our mentoring experience with a Metaphor, my student offered—“it was like preventing a train wreck!” The diesel engine was going downhill fast, too fast, and getting faster. Things were getting out of control. The full-weight of the train cars were pushing from behind—creating a potential collision course. All attempts to slow […]
• Stay in Your Own Lane!
Maybe it has happened to you? You’re driving on a four-lane freeway (two lanes in one direction) the driver on your right, rushes up behind a slower eighteen-wheeler truck. You are in a line of traffic going 70 mph. He attempts to weasel his way into your lane of traffic, without signaling or […]
• Kidmin—Entry Scenerios
From my vantage point, in getting to know many children’s ministry leaders, I concluded that there seem to be five typical ways or scenarios that persons use to come into the profession of Children’s Ministry. We like to call them KIdmin! 1. The Lay Volunteer (LV). This person begins volunteering in the children’s ministry, […]