• One-Minute Poster Book

Posted by: kidhelper on Monday, April 18th, 2011


Give Away Resources (for current on-line Kidology Protege’s only, sorry)

From my exhaustive collection of the resource materials, I am hereby going to donate,  to my current students only, a collection of books on various aspects of children’s ministry.

The next one is The ONE Minute Poster published by Gospel Light Publishers (189 pages, in mint condition) Reproducible pages. It is useful for making poster and flyers to publicize Church events.  This giant collection of clip art will add a professional touch to your Children’s Ministry. It’s easy! Use the masters and fill in your data and your publicity is ready to go!

Here’s the fine print, so you can get your copy:

The first one of my On-Line Protege’s (that has not already won) that writes a statement posting a Great Craft Idea for Easter in comment box below, will receive this great book in the mail. However, if no one submits anything by Wednesday noon, the other students who have previous won may enter. The recipient will be notified by email and in the comment box. So that is the deal! Let’s make a Deal!


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3 Responses to “• One-Minute Poster Book”

nancy kannard Says:
April 25th, 2011 at 1:10 pm

get a flat circular pot of soil and create the garden tomb on it. Make a cup for the tomb cave and dig it deep into the soil so that only the top half is showing. Roll a stone in front of the entrance. Off to one side put 3 wooden crosses in the soil made up of popsicle sticks. I cannot remember all of it, as I saw it done many years ago but it was so cleverly done that it stuck in my mind to this day. I have also seen it done in the form of a cake. An edible garden tomb scene. The linen in the tomb w/o a body tells the main point of the story. Enjoy!

nancy kannard Says:
April 25th, 2011 at 1:11 pm

p.s. I think it was a styrofome cup and it had little flowers planted in the soil with the other attractions.

kidhelper Says:
April 25th, 2011 at 5:40 pm

Some might call this resource obsolete, some might even say it is just too much work to copy and paste, but still others see this resource as old when you can find, scan, copy, insert and print images now from the internet. But I say there is treasure to be found here within these pages, if only one would take a serious moment to find it.
Arr Matie! Maybe even Pirate treasure!


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