• What is A Kidhelper?
I have been asked this question many times. It deserves some explanation. There are many who have vision to help children. As we look around at what others are doing with children, we see much activity focused on the various needs of children (i.e., schools, publishing, camps, churches, food distribution, sponsorship, etc.). While we agree with programs that meet real needs of children, and we are supportive of anything that helps children, we know we cannot do everything. I have been called to be a Children’s Evangelist, whose main calling is share the life-changing message of the gospel with children, just like my neighbor did for me, when I was nine years old. Of all the things that can be done for kids, I believe that the most strategic thing I can do for kids is to help them come to know and love Jesus.
So I say, for an adult to be a “real” kid helper, they would need to be about helping a child to have a relationship with Jesus. There seem to be many that want to meet the physical needs of children, my emphasis is to meet the spiritual needs of children. This is my main purpose. This is what I want to do to help children. To accomplish this I find myself partnering with other ministries to children (i.e., Christian schools, orphanages, missions, missionaries, club programs, camps, churches, etc.). Most often we are invited to creatively speak to children in large groups, but we frequently have opportunities to train lay leaders and mentor professional leaders who also work with children. One of the ways to help children is to help those that work with children. They might reach and teach children I could never reach.
My vision, then, is to creatively share the gospel with kids and help others to do the same. So this is the reason I am called the Kidhelper!

One Response to “• What is A Kidhelper?”
October 5th, 2007 at 12:23 pm
Hey Barney,
Thanks for the information you are sharing on this site.
The updated site looks good too, it’s a nice change!
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