Archive for Archive for January 13th, 2008
• Mexico Combo Photos
Here is a collection of photos taken on our last Kid Mission to Mexico. The above combo set of photos were all taken of our work in the La Mesa Jail the weekend prior to Christmas. (You can click on the photo for an enlargement.) A narrative account of this trip is located on this […]
• What is an Atlapedia?
An Atlapedia is a blended description of an Bible Atlas and an Encyclopedia for children produced by the creators of Veggie Tales. This was one of my Christmas presents this year. My children are now buying me resources, I think, so that I will be equipped to be the best grandfather I can be, for […]
• Riddle #7, What Am I?
Riddle me this, What am I? Life has started all over for me– The young years of happiness Have come again in a sweeter form Than a mother could ever guess; The love and devotion I gave my child I thought I could give no other, But life held a lovely surprise for me– When […]