Archive for • Funny-Fun Fotos
• Just Being Silly
This Funny-Fun Foto happened while we were sitting in the living room at Ken’s House. He was playing with these great manipulative toys that belonged to his kids, he kept fooling around with them as we were talking, making various creative things. Then all of a sudden he put this on his head and we […]
• Worth A Thousand Words
This recent Funny Fun Foto is priceless, I think. My wife and I are currently visiting our three grandsons Tennyson, Benjamin, and Spencer in Lutherville, MD. The oldest two are having a birthday celebration this weekend and we stopped by to share in the fun. We love a party, right? My son Ken, and his […]
• Secrets of the Kingdom
This Funny-Fun Foto was taken of yours truly when asked to be the speaker for a Vacation Bible School at the Sunrise Baptist Church in Sacramento, CA. As a Court Jester, I was able to welcome the children to the Kingdom, this was Gospel Light’s VBS theme for the series. The Court Jester entertains the […]
• Dangerous Tigers Sighted
It is true, the neighborhood was frightened to death by two Tigers that roamed freely in the streets of Lutherville, MD, last night. One nervous family reported that, “These fearless Tigers came right up to their door and growled.” Can you imagine it? They were so frightened that they throw food at them, and closed […]
• Ears 2 Hear
This Funny-Fun Foto demonstrates how we have to look a little silly to make a point. Here I am demonstrating how we have two sets of ears for Seminary students in an Object Lesson Workshop in Pakistan. It got their attention and I made my point that we need to have our ears on and […]
• Barney’s Barrel
This Funny Fun Foto is based upon the reality that I started my big children’s outreach events in this Barrel. For years, I ran down the isle wearing this barrel. Then I proceded to humorously take it off. I had the interior of the barrel lined with all kinds of pockets. The barrel became my […]
• Mistaken Identity, Mine!
This Funny Fun Foto is “My Out of Body” Experience. You see, the hands are mine, the body is mine, the Ring Master outfit is mine, but the head belongs to my senior Pastor, Dr. William Carl Ankerburg. I felt he would be more successful with getting larger crowds for his sermons, if he wore […]
• Can’t Catch Fish in the Bathtub
Here is another Funny Fun Foto. I am giving my Grandson Benjamin his first fishing lesson. So here is my First Rule of Fishing, if you want to catch fish, you have to know where they are! It also helps if you use real bait! Some fishing tips you just have to save for later, […]
• Secret Agent 009
This photo was taken at a Missions Banquet. Everyone was given some props to play a table game. I assumed this Secret Agent 009 look with my props. Someone at the table took this impromtu Funny Fun Foto.
• The Second Floor Bully
The Cows and Bulls all roam freely in India. They are not fenced in like here. So you can find them on major highways, streets, and in neighborhoods. It struck me funny that this bull, in the town of Ghandidaum in the Gugarat State, was on the second floor of a two story business complex. […]